All youth clubs must be registered each year.
Please CLICK HERE for the Youth Club Registration form
- REGISTER YOUR YOUTH CLUB NOW – The Youth Club Registration form is on the YOUTH Link. Mail Youth Registration forms with $ 20 annual club dues check payable to GCNJ to: Susan Berdahl, 72 Beechwood Dr., Shrewsbury, NJ 07702. The dues are $20 per Youth Club.
- N E W ! ! ! GCNJ YOUTH LEADERS ROUND TABLE – To network and communicate: youth activities ideas, youth garden tips, garden crafts, funding sources, youth resources, and communicate with other Adult Garden Club members who are interested in working with one or more youth activities throughout the year….. please email your email address, phone, and mailing address to Susan Berdahl.
- SHARE A YOUTH ACTIVITY IDEA OR SHARE THE SUCCESS OF A YOUTH GARDEN PROJECT – Youth Clubs are invited to email a description with or w/o photos of your favorite garden club youth activities OR garden project to .
**Any recognizable people in the photos must have a signed GCNJ photo release** - YOUTH PHOTO RELEASE FORM – approved for all photos in the YOUTH SECTION – use this form for permission to use a photograph with youth and/or adults.
- PLAY OUTSIDE COLORING BOOK: Click here for the NGC Play Outside Coloring Book and Certificate.
- Jan. 1 to March 1 – Apply: AMES TOOL GRANT – check updated info.
- May 15th: YOUTH CLUB REGISTRATION – All Youth Clubs who plan to meet after May 15th, MUST register for the Membership Year before holding youth meetings. The Youth Club Registration Form and $20 per club fee, payable to GCNJ, are to be mailed to Sue Berdahl at 72 Beechwood Dr., Shrewsbury, NJ 07702.
- Jan. 6th – LOCAL YOUTH CLUB CONTEST ENTRIES for FOUR YOUTH CONTESTS* must be postmarked and mailed to GCNJ AWARDS CHAIR. Limit 3 entries per grade per contest to be eligible for state judging. Entrant name, club name, contact info on the BACK only.
- SMOKEY BEAR (or) WOODSY OWL POSTERS – Grades 1 – 5, Poster size 11 inches X 17 inches, Check NGC Poster Info AND Contest Rules for info.
- POETRY Grades K – 9th Gr. Both General & Special Education student categories, Must be typed & titled. Note: Check NGC site YOUTH CONTESTS for UPDATED RULES and designated themes.
- SCULPTURE CONTEST using recycled and reused materials. Grades 4-8, Must submit Official Sculpture Entry Form with photos on back. No larger than 8.5 inches X 11 inches X any height. See NGC Youth Sculpture Contest rules for details.
- CAR-SGC HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY Grades 9 – 12 (to be sent as a PDF file to the GCNJ Award’s Chair unless a HS Essay Contest Coordinator is named.) Please see CAR/SGC Youth High School Essay Contest link for info.
- Feb. 15th – GCNJ YOUTH AWARDS DEADLINE. Look up the GCNJ Awards Booklet, Youth Award Descriptions.
- April 22nd – is EARTH DAY. Engage youth in events about protecting the environment. Earth Day is an international event. EARTH DAY RESOURCE: Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG.
- ARBOR DAY – Last Friday in April Celebrate trees! Resource: Arbor Day Foundation.
A garden is an outdoor classroom. Be the teacher that leads a child to a garden. Here are reasons to engage children and teens in gardening: Gardening is a fun way to learn and explore the world around you. When engaged in hands-on learning, children remember and learn through their experience. They ask questions to understand what they see first hand, then learn how things are connected.
Gardening with children brings families and people together. Spending quality time together, and doing something fun builds bonds among those working together, making new friends. Youth leaders emerge. Children experience pride in their results of teamwork as garden tasks are accomplished and various garden activities are carried out.
Stewardship, and caring for something that grows helps kids care more about people and other living things around them. Children learn to respect the environment and understand cycles in nature leading to sound conservation practices and environmental protection.
Gardening with children, teaches so many things. Outdoor safety is practiced and children experience how to carry and use tools. Kids learn to like science and art and exploring outdoors! When gardening, children become engaged in hands-on learning in science fields: botany, soils, biology, chemistry, entomology, ornithology, dendrology, etc. and for those who are interested, they can expand into photography, art, creative writing, journals, and more. They learn to identify, classify, and use observation skills and notice the beauty and details in nature. They might learn bird calls and insect sounds and learn about wildlife. Kids learn how to behave around insects and other wildlife that may visit a garden. Children become engaged in cross-curricular activities and many areas of interest.
If kids grow vegetables and eat their own vegetables, they eat healthier and become very proud of themselves. They learn about different kinds of vegetables and parts of plants. Some kids may learn to cook vegetables and try a food that is new to them. Garden activities help kids learn skills. They practice following directions.
Gardening is a good physical exercise outdoors, involving motor skills, coordination, and balance. It’s healthy to spend time outdoors and move your body. Children learn patience and trust and the importance of doing things right the first time. When caring for a garden, children learn responsibility about participating in planned activities. Kids learn about volunteerism and feel pride about giving back to their community.
For teens, there is an opportunity to earn Community Service hours volunteering in community gardens required for National Honor Society, or Scouts, or to include on a resume for a scholarship or college admission application. Some teens may use their gardening community service as job experience and a stepping stone to a job on a college campus caring for a college student garden or for a garden related job elsewhere. Reach out to a young child or a teen. Be the reason they discover gardening. They may teach others and carry what they learn, for a lifetime.
Consider an opportunity to reach out to your community, to enlighten children, and inspire them to develop gardening and landscaping skills, learn flower design, learn to protect and nurture the environment through hands- on projects and activities that make kids smile.
The National Garden Club (NGC) and State Garden Club(GCNJ) furnish guidelines, suggestions and assistance for youth club members ages 5-18. Consider becoming a youth leader for your club. Your members can participate in NGC contests listed HERE and/or learn from your club members and the workshops you develop for them, all with the help from GCNJ leaders.
Prepare our children for the future and the future of our earth and the wildlife within by joining the club. Please register below:
East Orange Y Square Footers – Garden Club of Essex Fells
Garden Club of Watchung Youth – Garden Club of Watchung
Garden Sprouts – Garden Club of Long Valley
Juniors/Green Pinkies – Garden Club of Fair Haven
Karen Nash Memorial Butterfly Garden Youth – Karen Nash Memorial Butterfly GC
Rake and Hoe Junior Youth Group of Westfield – Rake & Hoe Garden Club
Rahway Boy Scout Troop # 49 Gardeners – Rahway Garden Club
Seagulls Junior Garden Club – Seaweeders GC of Bay Head & Mantoloking
SML Seedlings – Pinelands Garden Club of Medford
Warren Meadows Youth Garden Club – Garden Club of RFD
Youth Committee of the Garden Club of LBI – Garden Club of LBI
Junior Garden Club of Watchung
Neshanic Junior Garden Club
Go Sprouts Navesink Garden Club
Karen Nash Memorial Butterfly Garden GC of Memorial School
Youth Garden Club- Garden Club of Long Beach Island
Sea Gulls Junior Garden Club of Seaweeders Garden Clubof Bay Head & Mantolocking
Rake & Hoe of Westfield Juniors
Youth Gardening Club of Spring Lake
Junior Nature Club of Mountain Lakes
Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA Camp- Terra Nova Garden Club
Rahway YMCA Super Secret Square Foot Garden
Piscataway Garden Club
East Orange Y Square Footers- Garden Club of Essex Fells
Evergreens Junior Club- Little Silver Garden Club
Garden Group- Terra Nova Garden Club
Sprouts- The Garden Club of Long Valley
Green Kids- The Women Gardeners of Ridgewood
Junior Garden Club- New Vernon Garden Club